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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Another reason to love dogs: Your fur babies are helping you become healthier

Well, no one needs a reason to get themselves a four-legged friend with furry paws, a wagging tail and a wet nose – but in case you are looking for a reason we have got you covered. A recent study conducted by Talker Research on behalf of Nulo, revealed that dogs can help us become healthier emotionally, mentally and physically. A study was conducted on 2000 American dog owners, of which 39% reported to have healed emotionally after getting a dog. Mental health improvement and physical health comes a close second and third with 27% and 25%, respectively.
ALSO READ: Mental health benefits of sleeping with your pet
Dogs have their own shenanigans which can make us laugh and boost our mood. They snuggle with us, play with us and are the best listeners when we need to vent out after a bad day. 35% Americans reported that their dogs motivate them to take better care of themselves. The study revealed that 81% of the dog owners reported being more physically active – courtesy of their dog, who needs to be walked outdoors and played with. 49% admitted that sometimes when the day is rough, their dogs are the only reason that they need to get up, leave bed and get back on their feet.
ALSO READ: 8 reasons why dogs and humans share a deep emotional connection
If you have a dog at home, you know that they have a specific cute way of making us wake up at a certain time. They just don’t like to wait, and would instead snuggle with us, lick our face and do everything within their capacity so that we follow a certain morning routine. They also help us push ourselves and become more aware of our physical capabilities.
Dr. Heather Mendoza, Director of Research & Development with Nulo said that we often focus on the lengths that a dog owner goes to make their dogs happy. But its a two-way street of love. Dogs do the same for us and more. And maybe, that’s why dogs own the crown of being a man’s best friend.
A dog wears many hats for its owner – they are our psychologist when it comes to having a rough day and we need to vent out. They are our teammates when we try to incorporate a healthy habit, and they are also our biggest cheerleaders, when we achieve a milestone.
Every dog owner thinks that their dog is the best, and everyone is right. And now, we have more reasons to snuggle with them a little extra and love them a little more.
ALSO READ: The healing power of pets: How our four-legged friends can make us happy
